Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bathroom Cleaner Reviews

The Grist's product reviews are not scientific, but usually interesting. I found this one on Green-cleaning supplies for the bathroom, where they found the cheap old fashioned ingredients work better than the ones that you can buy.

Green cleaning supplies can be a better alternative to conventional cleaning supplies, which contain ingredients toxic to you and the environment (see this fact sheet). While the Grist review suggests Borax, most people don't realize what you can do with things you probably already have in your cabinets. They are cheap, safe, and they work.

My bathroom cleaning arsenal contains a box of baking soda, a spray bottle of vinegar water, and Dr. Bronner's Castille soap (multipurpose in the bathroom, more on that later!)
  • Sink and tub- baking soda with warm water and a couple drops of Castille soap. Nice and clean, with a fresh scent from the soap
  • Toilet- Sprinkle baking soda then spray with vinegar
  • Mirrors- Vinegar spray and a microfiber cloth
  • Drains- Baking soda, warm water, and vinegar will flush out a clogged drain. (Those zipper things work great too)
  • Shower- I keep the vinegar spray bottle next to the shower for a shower spray
You don't really need a pantry-full of expensive cleaning supplies, all you need is some good old fashioned ingredients and a little elbow grease. You can breathe a little easier knowing you aren't spraying irritants in your air or dumping toxins down the drain.

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